Frequently Asked Questions

For help related to your subscription or payments kindly message our telegram bot @WAGMIHelpBot or email us (MON-FRI 0900 AM to 0600 PM GMT).

+ How does automatic payment work?

Your subscription will renew on the same date you started it every Month/6 Months/Year depending on the subscription plan you chose during sign up.

+ How do i cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription simply visit @WAGMIHelpBot on Telegram App from where you started your subscription and tap STATUS button on the bot chat or send /Status to the bot and tap “Cancel Subscription” to stop future renewal.

+ How do i change my payment method?

To change your payment method simply visit @WAGMIHelpBot on Telegram App from where you started your subscription and tap STATUS button on the bot chat or send /Status to the bot and then tap “Update billing info” to change your payment method.

+ Is the subscription refundable?

All subscriptions are non-refundable which is why it is important to cancel your upcoming automatic renewal before it is processed, you can cancel renewal anytime and you will not loose access until your upcoming renewal is due this way you can avoid any unwanted renewal fee from being charged, once the renewal is processed it will not be refunded.

+ What happens if my payment failed?

If your payment failed on the due date our payment partner Stripe will try to charge again once more time within next 24 hours and if this attempt failed your subscription will be cancelled and you will need to restart your subscription.

+ When i try to join channel i am facing “Link expired” error, how do i fix?

This could occur in the event of payment failure or subscription being restarted, simple sign out and sign in to your Telegram account or reinstall Telegram app once done Check if the channel you were trying to join is not already in your chats, if not try again to join channel from the Bot chat and it should work.

+ Can i change my Telegram account for my subscription?

Please note you cannot change your telegram account and move your active subscription to different telegram account, if you need to change account kindly wait for the remaining period of your subscription to end then subscribe again from your choice of different telegram account or you can change your Telegram account phone number following this link : How to change registered phone number on your Telegram account?

WAGMI Signals

Frequently Asked Questions

For help related to your subscription or payments kindly message our telegram bot @WAGMIHelpBot or email us (MON-FRI 0900 AM to 0600 PM GMT).

+ What are the timings for Trade Signals?

Trade Signals will be delivered Monday to Friday between 03:00 PM to 12:00 AM UTC.

+ How will I receive trade signals?

You will receive the Trade Signals in Telegram Channel.

+ How many trade signals can I expect every week?

The number of trades available is subject to market conditions but we aim to deliver minimum 7 trades every week.

+ How much money will I make from your trade signals?

Depending on the amount you invest in each trade the profit can vary from person to person but we recommend minimum $100 to start trade with so you can at least cover the subscription fee and have some profit.

+ What exchange do you recommend?

You can use any exchange you trust with available trading pairs, we recommend Binance and KuCoin to cover most trading pairs and for US users Coinbase, Kraken, and KuCoin.

WAGMI Portfolio

Frequently Asked Questions

For help related to your subscription or payments kindly message our telegram bot @WAGMIHelpBot or email us (MON-FRI 0900 AM to 0600 PM GMT).

+ What is WAGMI Portfolio?

Trade Signals will be delivered Monday to Friday between 03:00 PM to 12:00 AM UTC.

+ Do i have to accumulate all Crypto assets from the portfolio for it to work?

You will receive the Trade Signals in Telegram Channel.

+ Will you alert on when it’s time sell before price drop?

The number of trades available is subject to market conditions but we aim to deliver minimum 7 trades every week.

+ Is there any minimum amount required for the Gems?

Depending on the amount you invest in each trade the profit can vary from person to person but we recommend minimum $100 to start trade with so you can at least cover the subscription fee and have some profit.

+ What is portfolio assessment?

You can use any exchange you trust with available trading pairs, we recommend Binance and KuCoin to cover most trading pairs and for US users Coinbase, Kraken, and KuCoin.

Take a step towards profitable Crypto trading and wealth building portfolio.


Learn about the market and how to trade or invest in certain market conditions.


Multiple trading strategies that address varying market situations and increase profitability.


Invest in well-researched Crypto projects with reliable teams and actual long-term viability.

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